Wednesday, June 3, 2009

First Market Results

Thirteen vendors showed up for the first market of the season. Leslie has added several new vendors including meat and pottery. It's still early for vegetables but radishes and onions disappeared quickly into the bags of early shoppers. As summer progresses you can expect more than thirty vendors.
This is a farmer's market of locally grown and produced goods. You will find products when they are season. There is no MN sweetcorn yet and will not be any until July. You can buy sweet corn and bananas right now at the MPLS farmer's market but it's not locally grown unless you live in Venezuela.
Our limited-source honey was very popular along with our wild blueberry pies. The bee colonies are building up nicely and are really bringing in the pollen. When the nectar flow starts they'll fill every available bit of honey comb with nectar. When they collect the nectar it is ingested and mixed with enzymes in their stomachs. After being put in the comb excess moisture is evaporated by the airflow caused by thousands of bees. Once the correct moisture content is achieved the bees put a wax coating over the honey and it remains in place as their winter store...or until I steal it and bring it to the Shoreview Market.
The better half's new Zinfindel Wine Jelly was the most popular project at our booth and sold out quickly. We could only talk about it to the second wave of friendly marketeers but they were appeased with the homemade strawberry jam and carmelcorn (with and without nuts).
The flower photograph is actually from last year so don't expect fresh cut flowers yet although there were at least two vendors with bedding plants. I dug the beat up watering can out of a long ago farmer's homestead dump a number of years ago. It's very quaint and has a large rusty hole in the bottom. Sorry, but it's not for sale.

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