Thursday, July 2, 2009

Green Zebra Heirloom Tomatoes

People often come to the market looking for 'big red tomatoes'. We've all become acustomeed to big tomatoes but there is a fascinating and tasty world of heirloom tomatoes with a wide variety of texture, color, and flavors. My number one favorite tomato is the Green Zebra which is green with a bit of yellow skin when ripe. The flesh remains green. It is absolutely awesome, and nothing like those end of season green tomatoes that we attempt to re-purpose. Watch for our wide variety of heirloom tomatoes in July.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Buying what is in season...

Last night customers were asking for sweet corn and tomatoes. At this market vendors must sell only what is produced within a fifty mile radius. It's too early for sweet corn and tomatoes. When you see sweet corn and tomatoes this time of year at the grocery stores or at those cute corner farmer's stands you should understand that their products are not locally grown, and probably come from Texas or South America. If you come to our market in September and expect to find strawberries you will be about three months late. Buying in season from local producers ensures that you are receiving freshly picked produce grown with the hands of the vendor on the other side of the table.